February 8, 2025


Fashion Your personal

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cubic Zirconia Jewelry

Do you really want to spend a fortune on real diamonds? If you are on a tight budget, then you may want to settle for a Cubic Zirconia jewelry. To find out more, continue reading.

All right, let us get started. On one side, there is the pro, which are as follows:

The first advantage of Cubic Zirconia is that it is cheap as compared to real diamond. The second one is that you can replace it at any time in case it gets lost. The third advantage that is women can wear it as an everyday jewelry without attracting the attention of robbers. A fourth huge benefit is that the quality is the same as that of a real diamond jewelry. You can hardly tell the difference. And last (although not necessarily the least) we’ve got is its clarity. Cubic Zirconia jewelry is practically flawless – the same as Grade F, which you can find on a diamond clarity chart.

And on the other hand, to help keep this balanced, there is the con:

Firstly, Cubic Zirconia is very fragile and can easily break should you drop it. The second disadvantage is that it does not sparkle like real diamonds. The third significant drawback is that it has more radiance, which is why it produces a more artificial effect. A fourth negative aspect will be the fact that its white-white color is less believable for people who know how to look at real diamonds. Lastly, it has no real value, so you would not be able to pawn it, although you really have no intention of doing it because if that was the case, then you should have gotten real ones, right?

So there, we have all the arguments for each side. Finally then, what is the “bottom line” here? Is Cubic Zirconia jewelry bad or good?

Both questions seem to have a “yes” answer. Cubic Zirconia definitely seems to be both good and bad. It has to be left up to your reader to decide. Which side, the good or the bad, has got the prevalence of weight of opinion?