In this day and age, what was once very unusual and exotic — cosmetic or so-called “plastic” surgery — is now commonplace and that can be a fine thing for most people. The effects of cosmetic surgery: What to expect, therefore, might be something that a person who is contemplating undergoing these sorts of surgeries might want to take a few minutes to learn a bit about.
Firstly, recovery periods after different kinds of surgical procedures will vary in length according to the procedure that’s been done on a person. Also, each person who undergoes a cosmetic surgical procedure can expect that his or her recovery period will depend somewhat on his or her own physiological characteristics, to a point.
As an example, a person who undergoes a tune-up on the facial area, including tightening of the skin on the neck, the cheeks and the forehead can expect a small amount of pain and swelling around the neck where its begins to slope upwards and blends in with the lower jaw area. Normally, this sort of pain and mostly-minor swelling will last for 7 to 10 days.
For those men or women undergoing blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) to reshape the eyelids to restore tightness and a youthful-looking appearance, they should know that there will be a short recovery period after the surgery and that a small amount of swelling and even bruising around and on the eyelids may be present.
Additionally, there may be some irritation around the incision sites, though none of these conditions are usually considered anything more than a minor aftereffect of the surgery. Still, most folks will want to keep in mind that they’ll need to wear dark sunglasses until the areas around the eyelids are fully healed. Allow for 1 to 2 weeks before considering going outside without such glasses.
In all, most folks will experience pain, tenderness and swelling and/or bruising from most cosmetic surgical procedures, especially those around the face, the nose and the eyes, all of which are tender and subject to swelling and bruising from even small amounts of surgical work. But, most such effects are very minor and shouldn’t last more than 10 days, at the most.
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