February 8, 2025


Fashion Your personal

Organic And Natural Skin Care Products Exposed

Through the years, the use of chemicals and synthetic ingredients in skin care and cosmetics raised serious health concerns in a large percentage of the population.

At the present time, there is an increasing demand for pure, natural and organic products for skin care and cosmetics. This is a beneficial stage of our healthy life style and skin care routine, which can provide long term skin care without side effects.

Many Companies are trying to compete to each, other to fulfill this increasing demand. There is also a high competition between those Companies to be number one concerning the safety of these products. This is a really difficult assignment, which sometimes make them improvise statements regarding the ingredients they are using in the preparation of those products.

For example some companies are listing only active ingredients under the name of ingredients omitting the questionable and chemical parts. In fact, preservatives and “other ingredients” used are the real issue for the safety of skin care products and this information is often omitted.

Because this particular field of skin care is relatively new, customers are not fully informed about what is hidden behind the so called “natural and organic” skin care products.

Due to my experience and expertise I found some very misleading information or lack of information regarding natural and organic skin care products. I believe that the consumer of natural and organic skin care and cosmetic products has the right to be informed.

The following are some of the important information which is not widely available to the public:

You cannot provide an organic or natural product made with oils and herbal extracts unless you are using an emulsifying agent. Oils and aqueous (H2O) solutions do not blend with each other.

You cannot use bees wax as an emulsifier unless you use borax, which is a chemical. These ingredients are usually omitted on labels.

You cannot preserve natural or organic skin care products with only Grapefruit seed extract, because this is appropriate for fungi and possible yeast and doesn’t work for gram positive and gram negative bacteria.

You cannot preserve natural or organic skin care products only with citric acid or citric like ingredients unless pH (the acidic or base capability of a solution) falls below 5 (acidic), which is not recommended for the skin.

You cannot preserve the natural and organic skin care products with only Rosemary oleoresin extract, which is widely used in formulations due to its appealing natural name.

Companies which make those statements regarding the preservation of their natural skin care or cosmetic products may have difficulties with the self life of their products or they are deliberately omitting ingredients from their ingredients list.

Some companies advertise under organic or natural, skin care products, which contain only a low percentage of plant extracts or natural oils. In fact, the products are chemical and synthetic with one or few natural active ingredients.

It is not in the benefit of the consumer to be uninformed. Most consumers have chosen natural skin care alternatives due to sensitive skin, allergies to various chemicals or are cancer patients, which exclude all the chemicals from their every day life for their own benefit. In addition, there are many people who have chosen organic skin care products for their pure and non harmful content.

An organic and natural skin care Company has to be loyal to consumers and be trustworthy. Sooner or later consumers will find what is hiding under an “appealing” list of ingredients or a nice advertising campaign.

Conclusion: You as a consumer have the right to ask as many questions as you consider necessary to make sure that nothing is hidden from you under the so called ingredients list.

If you decide to try an organic or natural skin care product do your home work. Look beyond the fancy advertising and be aware of any company which is listing only herbs and oils for your convenience.

Most important get to know what you are buying!

Ask Questions, Get Informed !